Missing in Action!

What's missing in action you ask? Well, besides many nutrients from our diets that we'll get into at a later date, me! I'm rather disappointed I let this blog fall to the back burner.  But I think it's time I jump back into the swing of things. I have "starts" to five blog posts I simply never got around to finishing so I'm thinking that is where I start with getting back into this whole blogging thing.

The culprit I'm calling out for this reason, work. (Along with getting married, honeymoon, house hunting and Europe planning I guess). Cute I even thought to post about work-life balance previous to this as that is something that I have been slacking on. My work load has increased exponentially since the summer of 2015 and I have decided that it's not excuse anymore for not focusing on some of my passions outside of my career. Ironically many aspects in my life are all about the same thing, food.

My whole life truly is just all about food. From working as a Nutrition Health Educator on the daily, to planning what food my husband and I will consume, to picking restaurants obsessively for vacation or date nights, to my ever neglected blog.. there's one common denominator to them all; food.

So as the sun has been shining this weekend it has me feeling some serious spring fever and I'm getting excited for all of the fresh fruits and veggies that will soon grace us with their presence. Though we have tried some new recipes and made different things recently I've still felt a lack of inspiration in the kitchen a lot this winter. Today however, I did make some crunchy roasted chickpeas that I will most likely devour all of by the end of the day; hope and inspiration are on the horizon.The recipe will be posted here soon, don't you worry! I can feel my inspiration coming back and can't wait to share some more goodness with everyone. <3


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