Second Trimester: Braxton Hicks and Baby Kicks

Though not without it's fair share of headaches and heartburn, my second trimester was great! Shortly after my first trimester ended I definitely felt an increase in my energy level; as all books and apps said I would. I hadn’t always noticed how low it was on days prior to this (thank you, distracting nausea). The main thing that I feel helped with my energy overall was continuing my workouts and keeping a consistent morning routine. My goal was to take advantage of better energy while I had it, that meant focusing on my physical fitness even more.

Even prior to pregnancy I would notice a drastic difference on the random days I wouldn't get myself moving. Going into the last week of my second trimester I had only missed 6 weekdays of working out since conception; something I was very proud I had accomplished. Weekend workouts and activities are just a "bonus" for us. I know it's only going to get harder as our baby girl grows so I hope that I am able to keep this important practice up. 
Our baby girl started noticeably kicking around week 17, and holy smokes it's amazing! We waited until our 20 week ultrasound to find out the gender so it “held me over” those last few weeks of waiting. It is still the coolest feeling I have experienced yet, and I love to have little conversations with her while she is wiggling around. Since her movements and kicks have become stronger and more forceful I'm cherishing the little ones I still get. 

I don’t prefer to use the term ‘Braxton Hicks’ with the tightening/contraction feeling, even though I know that’s the technical term. In my mind that term defines the false labor contractions closer to your due date. Nonetheless, I am for sure having my fair share of 'Braxton Hicks'... Continuing to stay as hydrated as possible does help lessen the frequency of this tightening sensation (along with decreasing super fun leg cramps), so I keep reminding myself to drink up. I've been having contraction sensations since before my second trimester began, but they have been more consistent up to now.
Bumpdate Photo: 25 weeks, 3 days
My husband and I decided that my bump officially "popped" at about week 26. Though shopping and getting dressed are not at the top of my "fun things to do" list I have enjoyed seeing more of her out. Some of my co-workers that I didn't formally announce my news to are still just finding out, which is a fun conversation to continue this late in the game. My third trimester so far has been somewhat smooth sailing, but I am bracing for the storm ahead...


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