World Breastfeeding Week
Happy World Breastfeeding Week, to all! Whether you breastfed for 3 days, 3 months, or 3 years it's amazing what you've given your baby. This is my first year celebrating from the other side, a nursing mama. In past years I have done community outreach, been on the radio, and celebrated at events with local coalitions. After graduating with my degree in Nutrition I went on to become a Certified Lactation Educator-Counselor and did some work with the mother-baby dyad. So going into motherhood I had the knowledge portion but until you've actually done it, you don't know what challenges you could face. I'm so grateful to be where I am today with this journey, 11 months and going strong! But things for us started out pretty tough; like it is for many mamas. Like I mentioned, I had all the information and it was time to gain the experience. From my education, one of the main things that really stood out was that babies are born with a high need to suck; that...